Thursday 19 July 2007

States of anxiety

I suffer from anxiety. I find it very easy to get worked up about insignificant things. I end up in such a panic that I just make the original source of worry worse.

Now I've worked myself into a panic. I think that I may have an aneurysm on my aorta simply because I have been feeling a pulse in my stomach. Not a constant one; very on/off. I typed "stomach pulse" into google to try and find myself some reassurance that nothing was wrong, but instead I stumbled across a minefield of information about abdominal aortic aneurysms, and, despite sources reporting that they are far more common in males over 60, and the fact that I am a female of 21 years, I am now convinced and therefore thoroughly panicked that I am indeed suffering from this condition.

I then decided once again to try and put my mind at rest by further researching the condition, only to discover the word "catastrophe" in the description of one of its outcomes. I am now in a state of, albeit quiet, indescribable panic whereby I can feel my pulse racing, not only in my stomach, but in my neck and chest as well.

Unfortunately it seems that there is no way to relieve oneself of such anxiety without actually visiting a professional and having them state plainly to one's face that "it's perfectly normal and nothing to worry about whatsoever" (preferrably after having undertaken a series of serious looking but painless tests in order to demonstrate that his remark is scientifically founded and therefore reassuringly accurate). However, by going to a professional, one runs the risk of hearing unwanted words; words along the lines of "I'm very sorry, but this is indeed a catastrophe" - words which I'm sure a patient would never heard a doctor say, but which they nonetheless imagine hearing. And it's this fear of bad news, along with the more minor fear of looking like a hypochondriac when I ask them their opinion on the matter only to be scoffed at and told "Everyone has a pulse in their stomach! Don't waste my time"; yes, it's these fears which prevent me from actually stepping foot in a doctor's surgery - well, these fears and the fact that I'm petrified of needles and am convinced that even if I went in complaining of a common cold, they would be hell-bent on injecting me with something; that said, it would be nice to go along and get some peace of mind, because then I would immediately be able to cleanse myself of this state of anxiety - which no doubt is responsible for prolonging my stomach pulsation as it is!

I need to learn meditation.

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